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Caption for Image #1 Image 1/6

Followed by lines of descriptive text that can contain links if required.
Hover the image for 'previous/next' buttons or click the close icon at the top right to close this panel.

Caption for Image #2 Image 2/6

Followed by lines of descriptive text that can contain links if required.

Caption for Image #3 Image 3/6

Followed by lines of descriptive text that can contain links if required.

Caption for Image #4 Image 4/6

Followed by lines of descriptive text that can contain links if required.

Caption for Image #5 Image 5/6

Followed by lines of descriptive text that can contain links if required.

Caption for Image #6 Image 6/6

Followed by lines of descriptive text that can contain links if required.

Click the above images for a 'Lightbox' type image popup.
Does not use :target so there is no problem with using the browsers 'back' button
and hover the large image to show 'previous' and 'next' buttons to navigate the large images without
the need to close the large image and select from the thumbnails.